Dashlane UX | Software Branding

Zach Stevens
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

The things Dashlane does to build trust, loyalty, and to delight users.

This is part of a 5-piece case study on Dashlane. Be sure to check out the previous pieces and stay tuned for what’s next.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Let’s set the record straight, UX is almost always confined to the digital space. I’d disagree with putting a box around it since experiences come in all mediums and formats. As such, it’s important to take a look at the User Experience from a holistic standpoint, especially with digital products and software. Why? Because the more methods you have to foster trust and loyalty, the better. A billboard, an email, a poster, a website, and the product must ALL cohere.

I’ll touch more on what could be done better about Dashlane’s overall user experience in my next piece and focus on their product for now.

In case you missed it, Dashlane is an internet security tool riding their flagship password manager application. Some things to keep in mind is that Dashlane has positioned themselves as a premium brand within this space, since most of their competition seeks to be known as more affordable.

In light of their position and the emotions they are seeking to evoke, Dashlane built a gorgeous product. It’s as if they teamed up with an artisan seamstress who finely knit together a digital application out of codified silk. Everything feels smooth and fluid.

Both the desktop and mobile app feel seamlessly integrated and carry over the same design language effortlessly. Even when you input an incorrect password, the actions taken to inform you are starkly human. Literally shaking it’s head “no.”

In the spirit of making internet security simple and elegant, Dashlane’s interface is highly intuitive. Presenting you first with a list of recent passwords and other precious info on your home screen and then providing the most useful screens in the thumb-enticing lower navigation (Vault, Contacts, Tools, and Settings). It’s so simple it’s stupid. Everything their user needs is a click away and the options provided are useful, especially in their tools screen.

Some overarching notes: there isn’t a whole lot of typing done throughout the experience unless absolutely necessary (i.e. entering your master password or searching for a particular item in the Vault). Most of the actions are done with clicks or switching toggles, making it easy to sprint past password fields.

Even more impressive is their browser extension that auto-fills forms and helps generate strong passwords with a click.

The peace of mind given from not having to remember these passwords and going through the painstaking process of retrieving them is a game-changer. Dashlane’s product 100% lives up to the name, you enter the Dashlane of logins.

Originally published at https://www.zstvns.design.



Zach Stevens

San Diego | Designer | I help software startups and digital pioneers build awesome brand identities. zstvns.design